Norfolk Swift Response

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Get urgent help at home (Norfolk Swift Response Team)
Norfolk Swift Response is a free 24-hour service you can call if you have an urgent, unplanned need at home but don’t need the emergency services. If, for example, your partner or carer is suddenly admitted to hospital, the Swift Response team can assist you with getting up, washing and dressing. They can also help if you have a fall but are not seriously injured and can bring special lifting equipment to help make moving as safe as possible for you.

Who can get assistance from Norfolk Swift Response?
Norfolk County Council operates a 24-hour countywide Norfolk Swift Response Service. This service is for people who are over 18, living at home and require physical or practical support with daily living tasks.

This includes:

People with physical illness or disabilities
People with learning disabilities
People with mental health problems
How much does it cost?
Norfolk Swift Response is a free service for people living in Norfolk.

Call Norfolk Swift Response on 0344 800 8020 and select option 1.

Community alarms
Some people are referred to Swifts using community alarms. These are usually pendants that you wear, so that you can reach help at the touch of a button. Find out more about community alarms

What will happen when Swifts arrive?
The Norfolk Swift Response team will always:

Show their identity cards when they visit you for the first time
Be dressed in the team uniform
Behave professionally and politely and respect your privacy and dignity
Ensure you receive prompt, appropriate support and let you know if there is a delay
With your agreement, and if appropriate, make ongoing referrals to other services and support
Case study
When Fred (73) had a fall, he pressed his alarm pendant for help. He wasn’t seriously injured and didn’t need an ambulance, so the Norfolk Swift team came to help him. They used inflatable lifting equipment to help him up off the floor and made sure he was okay. Because Fred had had a previous fall, the Swifts suggested a referral to the Falls Team to look at ways of reducing the risk of falls around the home.

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